If you're currently on the job hunt or just have a dream-job in your sights, you can use that personal brand you've been building (or start building one right now) to stand out to hiring managers and impress them with your uniquely cool confidence.
Make It Professional Wacky personalities and silly props may work well for an internet audience and can be part of your overall personal brand. But for interviews and personal branding in the workplace, you want to develop your professional persona. Show off how well you understand your industry and the business world by nailing the interview dress code, never using a slang word with your manager, and being perfectly put together for the interview.
Wear Something with Personality How you look can be a big part of your personal brand. Especially with people who you work with in-person. So you'll want to wear something that shows off your personality and makes you visually memorable to interviewers. But keep it understated, not like you're a cartoon character of yourself.
Talk About Your Process Don't sweat the questions too much. Relax and answer with as much candid honesty as possible. What hiring managers really want to hear is how much you care about the work. So make that part of your personal brand. Show off your best professional self. Talk about the parts of the work you love and your favorite processes in the role you're seeking.
What You Can Contribute to the Team Finally, talk about how you work with a team. Hiring managers are trying to find someone they and their current team will work well with. You can make a great impression using your own personal style by talking about your role in a team. Relate stories about how you worked with others on projects in the past, and mention the things you do to support any team you're working with.
The job search is the perfect time to build your personal brand and hone your professional reputation. Become someone known for being passionate about what you do and you'll win more than jobs. For more personal branding tips and uses, contact us today! |
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