What Makes My Business and Me Different?
Before you begin, study who your competitors are and then determine what makes you different from them. Know what makes you unique and know how to stand out. Also, know why the public should choose you over any other entity, and be able to say it in one sentence. What Am I Answering? What problem am I solving? What question am I answering? What need or want am I supplying? People are in business to supply something to a specific target audience. You need to know what it is your business idea is solving and/or supplying. Do I Know What the Next Step is? Don't even think about executing your meticulously drawn up solid business plan, unless you know what the very first step is. Use your business plan to determine what all your questions are and that 90% of them are answered before you begin. Structure the business plan around your vision, and use a solid to-do software to execute the very next step today. (Hint: we recommend Trello) Do I Know Who My Target Audience Is? You won't have a business if you don't have a customer base. And to have a customer base, you must know your target audience. Do a great deal of research on the public to narrow down your target customer before you begin marketing. Be able to state who your target customer is in one sentence. This week I'm going to ask you guys for something. Please go to my Facebook Page and like it so we can provide a higher value to our sponsors. |
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